Dad advice is usually pretty solid advice. Hopefully, it’s one of those voices of reason that our kids grow up with in the back of their mind. We teach them right from wrong, good manners, and how to treat people with kindness. Today, we are going to show you How to Teach Your Child The […]
dad lessons
12 Toddler Hacks To Prevent Tantrums
Most days parenting is great, but there are those days where everything is going wrong and out children throw tantrums left and right. Sometimes as parents we are at a loss as to what to do to help them calm down. Well, keep reading as we have found 12 Toddler Hacks To Prevent Tantrums. Can […]
How To Stop Yelling: 6 Tips That Actually Help
What happens when you yell at your kids? You’re fed up, tired of not being taken seriously, and that’s when you pull out that weapon only dads have: the dreaded dad voice. It’s big, it’s deep, and it’s scary. But that doesn’t mean you can’t. Learn How To Stop Yelling With These 6 Tips That […]