New moms and dads often find themselves buying, borrowing, or checking out as many parenting books as they can get their hands on. We’re here to say that those books are helpful, but we also want to talk about the 15 Things the Parenting Books Don’t Tell You. After all—having a baby comes with its […]
parenting tips
Top 10 Educational Apps for Kids
Most of us can agree that the iPad comes with its pros and cons. We’ve probably all feared that our kids will become “iPad addicted” at one point or another, yet we know there are educational merits to so many of the games and apps. With this list of the Top 10 Educational Apps for […]
How To Stop Yelling: 6 Tips That Actually Help
What happens when you yell at your kids? You’re fed up, tired of not being taken seriously, and that’s when you pull out that weapon only dads have: the dreaded dad voice. It’s big, it’s deep, and it’s scary. But that doesn’t mean you can’t. Learn How To Stop Yelling With These 6 Tips That […]