When it comes to having fun as a family there are soo many ways to make it happen, but any time we can be a family together without a screen in front of us it is even better. Our family loves playing games, from board games to card games to silly games, if its a game our family loves it. As Halloween approaches, I was like how can we have some fun as a family and play a Halloween themed game. I was like well let me sharpen up my graphic skills and play some bingo. I decided to have 3 sets of free printable Halloween bingo cards made and want to share them with you! Bingo is a game whether you are young or old you can enjoy it. Everyone loves the chance to put the markers down and yell Bingo.
Free Printable Halloween Bingo Cards
You don’t have to print all 3 sets of Halloween bingo cards at this time. I suggest you print one set that you like the look of and play it until it gets worn out then come back and print a different set. This is a great game to play at kids Halloween parties as well. I have some suggestions for you as to what to give the winner. You can go with the obvious and offer up some candy to the winner, but I decided to mix it up and offered up a dollar to the winner of the game. Putting money or candy as the prize my kids seemed to be equally attentive and entertained. You can always go to the dollar store or stop by the Target dollar bins to find prizes as well. One night we even played before dinner and the winner was able to choose where we went for dinner that night. Below you can see a picture of an example of one of the Halloween bingo cards. Each set is completely different in Icons and borders and coloring so check out all 3 of them and decide which one is a fit for your family or party.
Instructions for the Free Printable Halloween Bingo Cards
Choose the Set of Halloween Bingo cards you want to use below and print them. We suggest you print them on card stock this way the game will last longer, but you can print it on regular paper as well. Once printed cut out the 8 game boards. The last few pages are the calling cards. We made these calling cards bigger and on multiple pages so even the littlest ones can be the call for Halloween bingo. Cut the calling cards out and use it as the draw pile for the caller of that round of Halloween bingo. Now you have the bingo cards and the calling cards but you still need one more thing. You need something to use as a marker on the bingo cards themselves. Some suggestions for markers are pennies, small pieces of candy like jelly beans or candy corn, or you can use goldfish crackers. Honestly, anything that is small to fit in the squares will work, but be warned if you use candy or snacks the kids will eat them, but really that makes it even more fun. How you have everything ready to go let talk about how you play.
Looking for more family fun Halloween ideas?
Printable Halloween Bingo Cards
Halloween Bingo Cards Set 1 – Pumpkin Themed Bingo
Halloween Bingo Cards Set 2 – Witch Themed Bingo
Halloween Bingo Cards Set 3 – Skull Themed Bingo
How to Play Halloween Bingo
- Each player needs a Halloween bingo card. If you have more than 8 people then put the on teams or just make them take turns.
- Make sure each player has access to the markers. (Candy, pennies, goldfish, etc..)
- One person will need to be the caller.
- The caller will shuffle the calling cards and draw the first card.
- Kids can use a piece of candy or other marker pieces to cover their spots.
- The caller will call out each card until someone has a bingo.
- Bingo can be made by collecting 4 corners or 5 spots in a row. You can mix it up to do other ways to achieve bingo as well!
- Have fun, play multiple times to give everyone a chance to win and even offer up special prizes for the winners.
We hope you enjoy these Free Printable Halloween Bingo Cards for hours of family fun! Remember you can use these for home, work or even school use. Feel free to share them with your friends and family as everyone loves to play bingo. Use them at your next kids Halloween party and kids are sure to have a blast trying to win. What do you think about our free Halloween bingo cards, have you played Halloween bingo before or do you enjoy playing bingo? Let us know by leaving a comment.