Now the real fun starts! One of my favorite things to do is eat! Now that we have talked about the 3 Best Electric Smokers for your Meats we are going to talk about grilling! We are going to discuss the 5 Best Meats to Grill. There is not only a huge variety of meats but each cut of meat is unique as well. Grilling is not limited to only what is going to be talked about in this article, but rather the list could go on for a long while if I chose to do so. But I decided to talk about the top 5, so lets put that new grill to use!

Hopefully, you are a meat-eater if you are reading this! If not, then share this with someone you know loves a slice of good grilled meat! Ok, now that Summer is in full swing, it’s time to figure out what you will cook or grill that will wow your friends and family.
5 Best Meats to Grill

First on our list of the 5 Best Meats to Grill is beef steak. Steak is one of the top go to things to grill aside from chicken and pork, which we will get to here shortly. Have you ever looked at one of those diagrams of a cow that lays out, similar to a map, what all the specific cuts of meat are? Pretty interesting if you ask me. You can choose anything from rib, shank, brisket, tenderloin, round, and more.

Here we are going to talk about brisket. A cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal is called the brisket. If you look up what a cut of brisket looks like then you will find it to resemble a torpedo. The point end of the brisket is considered more tender as it has the most marbling. Marbling is a culinary arts word that refers to the flecks and streak of fat (white) among the lean meat (red/pink). Now you can change the way the brisket tastes by what rub or reasonings you put on it and if you use smoking chips or not. Brisket is generally cooked to an internal temperature of 202* Fahrenheit, which usually takes between 5-6 hours. Even so with that amount of cooking time, there is not much else that compares to being able to grill a brisket in the privacy of your own backyard.

Beef Kabobs
Next up we as we continue to trek along in beef, we come to kabobs. Kabobs can be taken from the filet mignon or the tenderloin. You simply cut up the meat to form cubes, usually 1-2 inches in diameter. You then season or marinate them and skewer them with veggies of your choice. Once skewered it is considered a kabob! The flavors vary widely depending on the spices you put on them. This is a great way to get the kids to help out with the prep work. Make sure they wash their hands because there is no telling where they have been. Once fully washed up you can have them help.

Now lets get to grilling the kabobs! Now that you have everything skewered, it is time to start your grill! You want the grill nice and hot, so about 350-450*. Make sure you preheat it for 10-15 minutes. You might want to do that while you are skewering your meat cubes and veggies. Once hot, then spray the grill and place the kabobs turning once or twice until you reach the desired doneness for you and your family! Remove and eat! Kabobs are a very versatile meat to grill that you can season to your own tastes! Some members of my family, I will not mention who, just like salt and pepper. While others enjoy a more spicy and full of flavor kabob! No matter what the pickiness is, I bet no one will complain about the tenderness of the kabob when you grill it just right. My tip is don’t overcook it remember the temperature will rise some and continue to cook even once you pull it off the grill.

Now we will move on from beef and look at chicken as our one of 5 best meats to Grill. Chicken is almost everyone’s safe grilling meat! Chicken is another versatile meat to grill. You can grill the whole bird, quarters, breasts, thighs, or legs. Our family’s favorite way to grill chicken legs is with a simple garlic and herb seasoning. We love the crispy skin and tender juicy meat on the inside! Chicken is great served with any kind of side dish or sliced and put on a salad. Do you like to meal plan and meal prep over the weekends? How about you change up the way you do things and throw some chicken on the barby, as Australians say it, and grill up all your meat for the week! Just a friendly reminder that chicken needs to reach an internal temperature of 165* Fahrenheit.

Oink, Oink! Now it is time to move on to the pig! Just like beef, the pig has a bunch of different cuts of meat you can choose from but the most popular cut to grill would be pork chops! My kids love when we grill these up, partly because they love pork chops and we typically start grilling in the spring. I found a delicious dry rub to use on my pork from Webber. It is a coffee rub with some hints of cinnamon. I just love how it smells and tastes. Pork is a great cut of meat just make sure you don’t cook it to long or it will become c chewy. It is used in almost every cuisine from here to the other side of the world. We would love to hear what some of your family favorites are when it comes to pork! Leave us a comment below!

Last on our 5 best meats to grill brings us to fish. Depending on the type of fish you are using, you will either need to place it directly on the grill grates or place it in a foil pack. Remember if the fish is wet at all it will simply steam and not sear. So make sure your fish is nice and dry before placing it in the foil packet or on the grill. My favorite time to grill fish is right after I catch them. There is just something so tasty about a fresh-caught fish. Do not get me wrong, store-bought is just as good. I have eaten it both ways! Some fish have a meatier texture similar to a pork chop like tuna, halibut, and swordfish. Others have a milder taste like flounder, sole, and tilapia! There are tons of choices and flavors to choose from. To give your fish a fresh taste just squeeze a bit of lemon on top after it is taken straight off the grill! Serve with rice, veggies, and a salad for a complete meal!

If you take only one thing away from this article about the 5 best meats to grill is that you really can not go wrong when choosing your cut of meat. Ok, maybe if you choose a super gamey buffalo then you might be in for a big surprise. Have you ever noticed if you eat a certain type of meat during a specific season? I realized that during the colder months we eat more pork and chicken and tend to same our beef for grilling out during the warmer months! There is just something so delicious and tender about a sirloin that is sizzling on the grill with a simple garlic butter rub. When I close my eyes, there are so many feelings I get when I fire up the old grill and I love that these memories will continue with my kids! Let us know what kinds of meat you love to grill out as we always love to hear from our readers!

If you loved our 5 Best Meats To Grill, be sure to pin this to your favorite recipe board on Pinterest so you can find it again. Post a photo of your creation and tag us social media @DadLifeLessons. We love seeing people use our recipe ideas!